Heavenly Intercession 御国のとりなし パート2






Intercessory prayer can be divided into three different levels: local, regional, and global. Local prayer encompasses family, friends, the local church, the community we live in, and the issues affecting those arenas. Regional prayer is a larger purview which includes a larger geographic or community focus, including national issues. Global intercession encompasses other nations, ministries having global influence, and other issues of worldwide impact.

As intercessors for Elijah House, we pray differently for local events—such as a Basic 201 school—than we do for the overall ministry. One is happening in our own backyard, the other reaches across the United States and around the world. We encounter different obstacles at each of those levels, but our posture always remains constant; that of identity and rest. It has been our experience that not praying from that place is fruitless and ineffective.
Eph. 2:6 says that we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We must understand that in relation to our intercession. It literally means that when we pray, we are seated in heavenly places! We are at rest when we are seated. Phil. 4:6 says we are to pray with thanksgiving, being anxious for nothing. “Anxious” can mean to be “troubled with cares” or “to promote one’s own interests.” There is no anxiousness in us when we are at rest. Our spirit is quiet and sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We can hear clearly as all of our senses are directed toward our Father and not at any problem or issue we may be praying about. We enter into our Father’s rest (Heb. 4).

We must understand what our identity is before one word of intercession proceeds from our lips. We are not only seated, but we are seated “in heavenly places in Christ,” and with our Father. We are in close proximity to them. There is no separation or distance. We don't have to get worked up or clamor to be heard. The definition of “intercession” from 1 Tim. 2:1 that I learned from my wife Michelle and provide for you here means to “have a conversation, a conference, or to come together.” We are sons and daughters and we come together with our Father and our Savior through the Holy Spirit when we intercede. We don’t have to earn that right or prove we must be heard by praying “just so.” Our position is a gift bought and paid for by Jesus. The first words Jesus said after He was raised from the dead were these: “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God’" (Jn. 20:17, NKJV).
Meditate on those words, for they are staggering in their implications.
We have been brought into a family. Our Father has welcomed us into His presence as sons and daughters. It takes some time to learn how to pray from this position or perspective because most of us have to make some major adjustments to what we think about ourselves. We must learn to sit and to listen as kids who belong to the family. So, as sons and daughters seated and at rest next to our Dad, we pray whatever He leads us to pray.
Continue to part3